Digital Destiny
June 25, 2010
Yesterday, the online ad lobby [IAB, ANA, DMA]–working with Chamber of Commerce–scored a major political victory by forcing the Financial reform bill conference committee to drop proposed provisions that would have strengthened the FTC. Under the House bill, the FTC would have been given the same kind of regulatory authority most federal agencies have [APA [...]
June 24, 2010
Last year, CDD and USPIRG filed a complaint on mobile marketing, privacy and deceptive practices at the FTC. We know that it woke up the commission to the issue–but they are acting too slow. The recent decision by Apple to expand its data gathering for location ad targeting on the iPhone (and do a about-face [...]
June 22, 2010
One of the areas requiring online privacy and consumer safeguards is the health and medical area. As CDD told the FDA, the use of behavioral data profiling & targeting, immersive multi-media techniques, social marketing [via stealth-like influencer and word-of-mouth tactics, and brand channels, such as on YouTube, raise a host of concerns. I don’t believe [...]
June 2, 2010
CDD will soon file at the FTC on how to ensure the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act [COPPA] can better protect the online privacy of children under 13. It’s a 1998 law that we led the campaign to have enacted. Here’s a brief excerpt from what our colleague Prof. Kathryn Montgomery told the FTC today:
Statement [...]
The FTC and EU will need to develop safeguards on the use and role of neuromarketing techniques in advertising, especially when deployed for online campaigns. Here’s an excerpt from a Yahoo post on the power of neuromarketing:
“…how do you measure the emotional connection in your advertising? Are some advertising mediums better than others in making [...]
May 29, 2010
Facebook execs frequently claim they don’t share their users personal information with advertisers. They also always add that Facebook isn’t really that interested in advertising revenues. But that’s not correct, as the Facebook Quarterly Business Review: Q1 2010 reflects. Facebook, now cash positive, was said to earn somewhere between $600-700 million in revenues last year–up [...]
May 26, 2010
Facebook made some positive changes today, but only because of political pressure from policymakers and privacy advocates on both sides of the Atlantic. Mr. Zuckerberg’s failure to acknowledge the political realities don’t bode well for Facebook’s future approach to privacy. He appears to be living a Alice in Digital Wonderland fantasy, where changes are made [...]