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News BlogIL: Officials: Boxes increase awarenessPosted on May 16, 2007 - 6:01am.
Officials: Boxes increase awareness By KAREN LONG - GENEVA – Some concerns that Geneva officials had about a bill for state-issued authorization for cable and video services might be addressed through amendments. Rural New England is Getting RedlinedPosted on May 16, 2007 - 5:52am.
from: Blandin on Broadband Rural New England is Getting Redlined Redlining has been an issue that has emerged in the Statewide Cable Franchising hearings (mentioned earlier in this blog). According to The Nation (Broadband Redlining Targets Rural America) rural areas are right to be concerned about redlining. They recently featured a story on Verizon and their plan to sell off (some might say sell out) “low-value” landline customers to focus on FiOS, Verizon’s branded FTTH service. ( categories: Verizon )
MI: CMC reduces hours as new state cable franchising rules hit homePosted on May 16, 2007 - 5:50am.
from: Grand Rapids Community Media Center CMC announces reduced hours as details of new state cable franchising rules hit home File under Television | Link to this item GRAND RAPIDS — Starting Monday, May 14, 2007 the Community Media Center will be operating on a reduced schedule, due to a funding interruption brought about by new Uniform Video Franchising legislation recently enacted by Michigan lawmakers. Because of this one-time funding loss, CMC is forced to reduce its total hours of operation by nearly 20 hours per week. ( categories: MICHIGAN | State Franchises )
TN: TV cable bill piles up lobby costsPosted on May 16, 2007 - 5:39am.
from: Knox News TV cable bill piles up lobby costs Funds spent for and against measure total $2M each side By TOM HUMPHREY, NASHVILLE - Lobbying in support of legislation to revise state cable television law has cost almost $2 million, roughly the same amount as lobbying against it, according to disclosures filed Wednesday with the Tennessee Ethics Commission. Lawmakers Ponder Promise Of Web VideoPosted on May 16, 2007 - 5:27am.
from: National Journal Lawmakers Ponder Promise Of Web Video By Andrew Noyes (Thursday, May 10) Billionaire dot-com veteran Mark Cuban told lawmakers that the Internet has matured in recent years, but warned that unless there is significant investment, further technological and economic advancements will be hampered. ( categories: )
Verizon Wants Protection On SurveillancePosted on May 16, 2007 - 5:23am.
FROM: National Journal Verizon Wants Protection On Surveillance By Winter Casey (Monday, May 7) Companies that cooperate with government in anti-terrorism surveillance programs should be given some legal protection, a telecommunications industry official said. In terms of surveillance, Verizon Communications cannot acknowledge whether the company has engaged in such activity, said Tom Tauke, the executive vice president for public affairs, policy and communications. But he added that Verizon believes cooperating companies should have some kind of protection for their actions. ( categories: Verizon )
OH: Save Channel 9Posted on May 15, 2007 - 9:22pm.
from: Olive Aurora Save Channel 9 Published May 15th What would you do without this valuable community resource? Email Aurora’s State Senator Tom Sawyer! Within the next 7 days, it is possible that the Ohio legislature will pass a bill that ends community television as we know it. That means no more HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS, MAYORS REPORT, SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT SHOWS, HOLIDAY CONCERTS, MOORE MOVIES, TIME TO COOK etc. etc. ( categories: OHIO | State Franchises )
TN: The $4 million cable battle – so farPosted on May 15, 2007 - 9:20pm.
from: Nashville City Paper The $4 million cable battle – so far By John Rodgers, AT&T, in its battle against cable companies and local governments to get into the television business, has spent $1.55 to $1.6 million on lobbying expenses inside and outside the state Capitol, according to records filed Tuesday with the Tennessee Ethics Commission. ( categories: State Franchises | TENNESSEE )
TN: Cable Competition, Could Tuesday Be Time To Vote?Posted on May 15, 2007 - 9:18pm.
from: Cable Competition, Could Tuesday Be Time To Vote? Submitted by Joe Legge on May 14, 2007 I promised to keep you updated on the "Cable Competition" bill proposed in the Tennessee Legislature. I haven't forgotten. There just really isn't much new to report. Lawmakers continue to hold hearings on the matter, hearing from AT&T, Comcast, Charter, and a host of other entities involved. ( categories: State Franchises | TENNESSEE )
MO: Cable's future up for grabs in CapePosted on May 15, 2007 - 9:15pm.
from: Southeast Missourian Cable's future up for grabs in Cape Cable television in Southeast Missouri is about to change for good. New legislation means competition is on the horizon for current monopoly-holder Charter Communications, while municipal oversight and funding for public access channels are both in jeopardy. ( categories: MISSOURI | Senate S.2686 )
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