News Blog

Above the Law: AT$T, Verizon, BellSouth, and the Executive Branch

Posted on January 28, 2008 - 8:11pm.


Above the Law: AT&T, Verizon, BellSouth, and the Executive Branch

Jan 26, 2008 at 3:29 PM

The Bush Administration has been pushing hard for the Congress to grant retroactive immunity to telecom companies that cooperated with its domestic wiretapping program, the legality of which is still in question. For most Americans, this story falls in the category of boring, but important. Most aren't even aware that we're facing a Constitutional question that could fundamentally change the way we govern ourselves, and how we hold each other accountable.

Phone Giants’ Rising Rates Questioned

Posted on January 28, 2008 - 3:20pm.

Note: Yet another example of the "competition=lower prices" myth - and the triple play trap.

from: USA Today

Phone Giants’ Rising Rates Questioned

From USA Today, January 28, 2008
By Leslie Cauley

AT&T and Verizon are raising prices for caller ID and other popular phone services by as much as 300%, even as they continue to push regulators to loosen up because of increased competition.

( categories: AT&T | Verizon )

Alert: Congressional Hearing on PEG Jan 29

Posted on January 28, 2008 - 11:22am.

Note: Saveaccess will be liveblogging this hearing - join us online Tuesday at 1:00 pm (EST)


A rare and historic Congressional hearing on PEG access television is being held this Tuesday, Jan 29th, 1:00 pm (EST): "Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) Services in the Digital TV Age."

( categories: )

Stop the Auction! Congress and the FCC Must Investigate D Block Allegations

Posted on January 25, 2008 - 5:38pm.

What? The largest auction of the public airwaves, estimated at over 12 billion dollars, is somehow corrupt? Yet, why aren't we surprised?

from: WetMachine

Stop the Auction! Congress and the FCC Must Investigate D Block Allegations Before Proceeding.

by Harold Feld

Yesterday, I broke a story on Wetmachine (subsequently confirmed by this Dow Jones story and consistent with this angry op ed by economist and former Frontline adviser Gregory Rosston that Morgan O'Brien, operator of Cyren Call, had killed Frontline's financing and thus kept them out of the auction.

( categories: )

VT: Rural Towns Bundling a Blueprint for Broadband

Posted on January 25, 2008 - 5:30pm.

Note: Despite many common misconceptions, Vermont actually is a state in the USA. Given the Vermont's headway and success in municipal broadband projects, other states would do well to take a closer look.

from: Burlington Free Press

Rural Towns Bundling a Blueprint for Broadband

HI: Akaku Court Motion Seeks End to Bidding Process

Posted on January 25, 2008 - 5:28pm.

from: Maui News

Akaku Court Motion Seeks End to Bidding Process

From Maui News, January 23, 2008
By Ilma Loomis

The bidding process has already been delayed more than a year, and now Akaku: Maui Community Television will seek a judge’s order to free it from competing for its contract altogether.

( categories: HAWAII )

House Schedules Hearing 'Pegged' to Comcast Move

Posted on January 25, 2008 - 5:26pm.

from: Broadcasting and Cable

House Schedules Hearing 'Pegged' to Comcast Move
'Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) Services in the Digital TV Age' Set for Jan. 29
By John Eggerton -- Broadcasting & Cable, 1/24/2008 11:21:00 PM

The House Energy & Commerce Committee's Telecommunications & Internet Subcommittee set the witness list for a Jan. 29 hearing on on “Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) Services in the Digital TV Age.”

( categories: Comcast | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

Comcast's Cohen To Testify On PEG Policy

Posted on January 25, 2008 - 5:18pm.

Note: Though the subcommittee hearing is likely to focus on PEG issues (particularly because of Comcast's dim behavior in Michigan), it could also be worth repeating a quote of Cohen's from 2006:

"In reality, the cable-broadband business is intensely rivalrous with DSL, and we expect the rivalry to intensify as we face increasing competition from wireless and satellite broadband, fiber to the home, and even broadband over power lines. Will the tens of millions of customers still on dial-up make the switch to us if we block access to content, prevent use of an application, or preclude the attachment of devices? We think not."

( categories: Comcast | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

MI: Comcast got what it bargained for

Posted on January 25, 2008 - 5:14pm.

from: Ann Arbor News

Comcast got what it bargained for
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Comcast, having benefited richly over decades from its cable television monopoly in Michigan communities, should feel compelled to give something of value back.

Not much has been asked, although one small concession historically from Comcast to this community and others has been a public access channel for locally produced programming, which are generally broadcast on channels on the low end of the spectrum.

( categories: Comcast | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

WI: Reverse for AT$T's U-verse video?

Posted on January 25, 2008 - 5:11pm.

from: The Madison Times

Reverse for AT&T's U-verse video?

Jeff Richgels — 1/24/2008 3:45 pm

Could AT&T be out of the video business before it even brings its U-verse service to Madison?

That's possible, according to president Phillip "Swanni" Swann, who predicts AT&T will be out of the video business within 12 to 18 months, reported.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | WISCONSIN )
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