News Blog

Verizon, AT$T Lobby States for TV Licenses, Bypassing Congress

Posted on December 19, 2006 - 7:56am.

From: Bloomberg News

Verizon, AT&T Lobby States for TV Licenses, Bypassing Congress

By Molly Peterson

Dec. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Verizon Communications Inc. and AT&T Inc. haven't fared well in Washington in their bid to expand their television business. They're doing a lot better in Trenton and Topeka.

The phone companies are backing off a two-year push to get Congress to help them win a bigger chunk of the $68 billion cable-TV market. Instead, they're shifting their focus to state capitals -- nine legislatures have already approved TV-licensing laws -- as well as the Federal Communications Commission.

( categories: Telcos | AT&T | State Franchises | Verizon )

FCC votes on cable franchise reform this Wednesday

Posted on December 19, 2006 - 7:50am.

from: Ars Technica

FCC votes on cable franchise reform this Wednesday

12/18/2006 1:45:24 PM, by Nate Anderson

The rules for local video franchising could be changing this Wednesday. At the agency's open meeting this week, Commissioners will "consider a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding Section 621(a)(1)'s directive that local franchising authorities not unreasonably refused to award competitive franchises." If that's the sort of language that makes your eyes glaze over, then it's time to hit the coffee pot, because this could be big news for AT&T, Verizon, and other telecom firms that want to enter the television market.

( categories: Telcos | Senate S.2686 )

Fighting AT$T: The battle over franchise agreements

Posted on December 19, 2006 - 7:38am.

from: Broadband Reports

Fighting AT&T
The battle over franchise agreements

Posted 2006-12-18 14:24:21 by Karl

If you ask telco execs, lobbyists and the FCC, local video franchise agreements are the worst kind of bureaucracy. Towns are little more than greedy parasites that make absurd demands at every opportunity and rarely have local residents' interests in mind. Telco lobbyists suggest that the existing franchise system needs a lobotomy, and by replacing the current system with statewide or federal system, they can speed up next-gen broadband and IPTV deployment.

( categories: AT&T | Senate S.2686 | State Franchises )

PA: Verizon hits the suburbs first

Posted on December 16, 2006 - 11:29am.

from: Delco

Verizon hits the suburbs first

Solomon D. Leach , Of the Times Staff

After Verizon announced Tuesday that it had reached franchise agreements with 100 municipalities in Pennsylvania for its fiber-optic cable-TV, the company defended its approach to offer the service to suburban communities first.

( categories: PENNSYLVANIA | Verizon )

Verizon's North Jersey cable debut looms

Posted on December 16, 2006 - 11:15am.

from: North

Verizon's North Jersey cable debut looms
Saturday, December 16, 2006


TV viewers in many North Jersey towns could get a choice of cable TV provider as early as next week.

( categories: NEW JERSEY | State Franchises | Verizon )

Video-Franchise Law in Neutral

Posted on December 16, 2006 - 11:13am.

from: Broadcasting and Cable

Washington Watch
By John Eggerton -- Broadcasting & Cable, 12/18/2006

Video-Franchise Law in Neutral

Telephone companies spent millions of dollars pushing for national video-franchise reform that would allow them to more easily compete with cable in video and broadband access.

Free Stater Weighs In

Posted on December 16, 2006 - 11:10am.

from: Broadcasting and Cable

Free Stater Weighs In

Friday, December 15, 2006

The Free State Foundation, a free market think tank in Maryland, has increasingly been weighing in on communications issues.

The latest e-mailed commentary from tank thinker Randolph May suggests that whatever Congress does or doesn't do, telcos may yet get their franchise reform one state at a time.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises )

Michigan and FCC Take Up Franchise Reform

Posted on December 16, 2006 - 11:07am.

from: TV

Michigan and FCC Take Up Franchise Reform
Date posted: 2006-12-15

When it comes to franchise reform, telcos are proving there's more than one way to skin the cat. Having failed to get a bill passed on Capitol Hill, telcos have brought their persuasive powers to bear on the FCC, which has scheduled a franchise vote for Dec. 20.

( categories: AT&T | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

Microsoft tells FCC what it wants for Christmas

Posted on December 14, 2006 - 8:52am.

Microsoft is the software provider for AT&T's cable system set-top box - they stand to gain from imposed video franchise legislation.

from: Lasar Letter

Microsoft tells FCC what it wants for Christmas

by Matthew Lasar Dec 12 2006

Microsoft executives spent much of the first week of this month at the Federal Communications Commission, meeting with Commissioners and staff. Not only did they lobby for specific regulatory policies, they outlined a broad agenda for the FCC to follow in the years ahead.

Pricing Lies Continue As Bell Labs Dies

Posted on December 14, 2006 - 8:45am.

from: ISP Planet

DSL Prime: Pricing Lies Continue As Bell Labs Dies

Whenever the phone companies ask the government for more money, less competition, or permission to merge, they promise more investment and innovation, but in fact they are cutting back as fast as they can.

by Dave Burstein of DSL Prime and Future of TV

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