News Blog

MI: Legal Links for Comcast PEG Lawsuit

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 7:53pm.

Note: A summation of the legal documents concerning the lawsuit in Michigan with Comcast

from: Miller & Van Eaton


The Township of Meridian and the City of Dearborn filed suit in federal district court January 11, 2008, asking the court to stop Comcast from dropping analog PEG channels and providing those channels only as a digital service. On January 14, 2008, the court issued a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction (which remains in effect until a new order issues from the court) preventing Comcast from moving the PEG channels. The text of the court's order is linked below.

( categories: Comcast | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )


Posted on January 15, 2008 - 7:34pm.

Note: This petition site has been set up in response to Comcast's actions in Michigan. Take a moment and sigh on.

Go to: Petitions


Petition created by: The Producers A

Because of the recent actions in Michigan and similar actions executed and planned across the country including, but not limited to; The closing of Public Access studios. The termination of the Community Calendar's & bulletin boards. The planned move of Public, Educational and Governmental programming to additional fee 900 channels and rate increases of 13.5% for services.

( categories: Comcast | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

AT$T Replacing Vault Batteries After Explosions

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 3:04pm.

from: MultiChannel News

AT&T Replacing Vault Batteries After Explosions
U-verse Streetside Units Blew Up in Ohio, Texas, Elsewhere
By Linda Haugsted -- Multichannel News, 1/15/2008 11:23:00 AM

Municipal officials, long critical of the size and placement of powering vaults needed to back up AT&T's U-verse video service, now have concerns that range beyond aesthetics. Sometimes, the vaults explode.

( categories: AT&T )

AT$T Replacing Vault Batteries After Explosions

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 3:04pm.

from: MultiChannel News

AT&T Replacing Vault Batteries After Explosions
U-verse Streetside Units Blew Up in Ohio, Texas, Elsewhere
By Linda Haugsted -- Multichannel News, 1/15/2008 11:23:00 AM

Municipal officials, long critical of the size and placement of powering vaults needed to back up AT&T's U-verse video service, now have concerns that range beyond aesthetics. Sometimes, the vaults explode.

( categories: AT&T )

AT$T's TV Efforts Smolder

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 2:43pm.

from: The

AT&T's TV Efforts Smolder
By Scott Moritz
Senior Writer
1/15/2008 11:59 AM EST

AT&T's sputtering video effort, known as U-Verse, has been hit with a literally explosive setback.

Ma Bell has had four incidents involving smoldering batteries and, in at least one case, an explosion in one of the thousands of network cabinets used for its TV delivery systems, according to a report in telecom trade publication Light Reading.

( categories: AT&T )

WI: Wauwatosa residents had expressed safety concerns over AT$T cabinets

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 1:20pm.

Wauwatosa residents had expressed safety concerns over AT&T cabinets

Nearly a year before the recent explosion of an AT&T VRAD cabinet in Wauwatosa Wisconsin, some local residents had expressed safety concerns about the large boxes. At a February 12, 2007, City Planning Commission Meeting, residents opposed the installation of a VRAD box and had sent emails and information to the Commission making specific reference to the fires and explosions in Houston Texas.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | WISCONSIN )

AT$T Replacing 17,000 U-Verse Batteries

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 11:50am.

from: Broadband Reports

AT&T Replacing 17,000 U-Verse Batteries
Apparently the units aren't supposed to spontaneously combust....

10:46AM Tuesday Jan 15 2008 by Karl

Last October, an internal battery malfunction caused an AT&T U-Verse VRAD to explode in the Houston suburbs, sending shrapnel hurling fifty feet throughout the neighborhood. "At this point, we have not concluded that the Avestor batteries pose any threat to the public or our employees," said AT&T in August. That was then, this is now.

( categories: )

Are Cable and Phone Companies Still Recession-Proof?

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 10:05am.

Note: When AT&T stocks slipped 6% recently, at least one stock analyst blamed it on 'consumer weakness'. Perhaps consumers could use this 'weakness' to their advantage.


Are Cable and Phone Companies Still Recession-Proof?
Guest Column, Monday, January 14, 2008 at 12:00 AM PT Comments (1)

( categories: AT&T | Comcast | Time Warner )

MI: Comcast Responds to Chairman Dingell, and Just Says ‘No’

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 10:03am.

from: Bloggong Broadband

Comcast Responds to Chairman Dingell, and Just Says ‘No’

From Blogging Broadband, January 14, 2008
By Jon Kreucher

It used to be that a letter from the Chairman of a powerful Congressional committee meant something �” especially if that committee plays a large role in your regulatory future. Those days, however, may be behind us.

( categories: Comcast | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

Costa Mesa officials try to block AT$T 'eyesore'

Posted on January 15, 2008 - 8:33am.

from: OC Register

Friday, January 11, 2008
Costa Mesa officials try to block 'eyesore'
AT&T wants to put scores of metal boxes on city streets, raising concerns about aesthetics.

Comments 1 | Recommend 7

COSTA MESA – Plans to add scores of steel boxes to city streets for Internet access and television service are riling elected officials who are concerned about damage to neighborhood aesthetics.

( categories: AT&T | CALIFORNIA | State Franchises )
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