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News BlogWI: State Agencies Would Handle TV Complaints Under Video BillPosted on April 25, 2007 - 10:00pm.
from: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel State Agencies Would Handle TV Complaints Under Video Bill April 24, 2007 If you’ve been griping to city or village officials about cable TV service problems, get ready to take your complaints instead to someone in state government in Madison. ( categories: State Franchises | WISCONSIN )
WI: Reality Check: Cable Prices to Drop in Wisconsin?Posted on April 25, 2007 - 9:58pm.
from: Channel 3000 Reality Check: Cable Prices to Drop in Wisconsin? April 24, 2007 On Tuesday, state lawmakers will vote on a bill that, if passed, would deregulate the cable industry. But could it mean a drop in prices? The bill would allow other companies — likely the telephone companies — to provide video service with a state franchise. Lawmakers in favor of the bill said it would increase competition and lower rates for consumers. ( categories: State Franchises )
FL: Phone cable plan touted as boon, feared as biasPosted on April 25, 2007 - 9:49pm.
from: Palm Beach Post Phone cable plan touted as boon, feared as bias By Kristi E. Swartz Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Wednesday, April 25, 2007 TALLAHASSEE — Beverly Campbell said mortgage lenders and pizza delivery guys already bypass her Pine Hills neighborhood in west Orlando. ( categories: FLORIDA | State Franchises )
OH: Cities rip Senate's cable TV proposalPosted on April 25, 2007 - 9:45pm.
from: Columbus Dispatch Cities rip Senate's cable TV proposal Wednesday, April 25, 2007 3:36 AM Cable video competition might flourish, but cities would suffer under a proposed change in state franchising law, dozens of municipal and township officials complained to an Ohio Senate committee yesterday. ( categories: OHIO | State Franchises )
MA: Gov. Accuses Verizon of Making Threats in Tax DisputePosted on April 25, 2007 - 1:23pm.
from: Mass. Gov. Accuses Verizon of Making Threats in Tax Dispute From Dow Jones, April 23, 2007 “Verizon says that without the exemption telecommunications companies will not build broadband in western Massachusetts. But we’ve had this exemption in place for more than 90 years and western Massachusetts still doesn’t have broadband in place.” TN: Telecommunication bill passes hurdlePosted on April 25, 2007 - 1:22pm.
from: Germantown News Telecommunication bill passes hurdle On Tuesday, April 17, the Tennessee House subcommittee on utilities and banking passed an amended version of the cable/video franchising bill by a vote of 8 to 6. Representative Steve McManus (Rep.-Cordova), a member of the committee, voted against the bill. Rep. Brian Kelsey (Rep.-East Memphis/Germantown), also a committee member, voted in favor. ( categories: State Franchises | TENNESSEE )
OH: Bill 117 and the Ohio Constitution's Impairment of Contracts ClausePosted on April 25, 2007 - 1:20pm.
from: MCDAC Blog Sen. Bill 117 & the Ohio Constitution's Impairment of Contracts Clause One of the bills being talked about in the General Assembly is Sen. Bill 117 which would apparently wipe out local franchise agreements between cable tv providers and local governments. Apparently members of the General Assembly are taking some heat from mayors and other local government officials. You can read about their pressuring the Ohio Senate by clicking on the link in this entry's title. ( categories: OHIO | State Franchises )
WI: Foul smell of campaign cashPosted on April 25, 2007 - 1:18pm.
from: Editorial: Foul smell of campaign cash State Sen. Jeff Plale, D-South Milwaukee, will not have to face the voters again until 2010. Just re-elected with ease for another four-year term representing a safe Democratic district in one of the state's most Democratic counties, Plale has no need to be raising money for another campaign. WI: Lawmakers delay cable bill decisionPosted on April 25, 2007 - 1:16pm.
from: Badger Hearald Lawmakers delay cable bill decision by Keegan Kyle State Democrats blocked Republican efforts in the Assembly and Senate Tuesday to pass legislation that aims to increase cable competition in Wisconsin. In the Democrat-controlled Senate, legislators voted along party lines to send the bill to the Joint Finance Committee, which handles bills with significant financial implications. ( categories: State Franchises | WISCONSIN )
FL: Cable bill loses a critical clausePosted on April 25, 2007 - 1:13pm.
from: St. Petersburg Times Cable bill loses a critical clause By REBECCA CATALANELLO TALLAHASSEE - In the telephone industry's multimillion-dollar battle for access to Florida's TV market, cable companies and consumer groups suffered a serious blow Tuesday. ( categories: FLORIDA | State Franchises )
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