News Blog

Cable Without Complaint?

Posted on June 22, 2006 - 7:27am.

from: Tom Paine

Cable Without Complaint?

Is there one person in this country who’s happy with their cable TV service provider? Cable television companies have long resembled the old Lily Tomlin skit from Saturday Night Live: “We don't care. We don't have to. We're the Phone Company.”

( categories: Telcos | Senate S.2686 )

Plan for two-tiered Internet puts higher price on speed

Posted on June 22, 2006 - 7:08am.

Note: If the Telcos continue to whine about the cost of rolling out their video delivery service - and they feel the need exact a massive public service giveback in the form of fewer PEG services, elimination of net neutrality and the elimination of local control over right of way - then maybe their business model is terribly wrong. If this is the public cost necessary for phone company competition in cable TV - it's not worth it.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises )

Broadcast Flag Hidden in Telecom Bill

Posted on June 22, 2006 - 6:51am.

from: Public Knowledge

ACTION ALERT: Broadcast Flag Hidden in Telecom Bill
by Alex Curtis on June 20, 2006

UPDATE: Senator Sununu will be offering an amendment to strike the broadcast and radio flag. But it won't happen without your help. Click here to find out more.

If you’re saying, “Broadcast Flag? I thought we defeated that?” You’re right! But we’ll have to do it again. But we’ll have to do it now, as the bill is being marked up THIS THURSDAY…

( categories: Senate S.2686 )

Inouye Leading Charge To Amend Telecom

Posted on June 22, 2006 - 6:43am.

from: National Journal
Technology Daily

Inouye Leading Charge To Amend Telecom Bill

By David Hatch

(Wednesday, June 21) When the Senate Commerce Committee begins debating telecommunications overhaul legislation Thursday afternoon, Commerce ranking member Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, will seek to substantially revise a measure that its author, Commerce Chairman Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, is touting as bipartisan.

( categories: Senate S.2686 )

AT$T: Let your middle finger do the talking

Posted on June 21, 2006 - 9:39pm.

from: Silicon Valley

June 19, 2006

AT&T: Let your middle finger do the talking

“The commission vote demonstrates a recognition that the merger of SBC and AT&T will enhance competition, help bring new technologies to market faster, and provide real benefits to consumers and businesses. We commend the commission, under the leadership of Chairman Martin, for recognizing the reality of today’s communications marketplace and for fostering an environment where there will be greater choice in communications services and providers.”

( categories: AT&T )

Astroturfs in Bloom

Posted on June 21, 2006 - 4:55pm.

Astroturfs in Bloom

astroturf sample

The astroturfs are suddenly sprouting plastic blooms again, and it can only mean one thing - Congress is about to vote on something. That 'something' is the Senate Commerce Committee 'mark-up' of S.2686 tomorrow (6/22). A google search for the Bill's name "Communications, Consumers' Choice, and Broadband Deployment Act of 2006" turns up multiples of one article released by TV4US through the corporate service 'PR Newswire':

Congress Looks to Offer Big Telecoms ‘Prize’

Posted on June 21, 2006 - 1:57pm.

from: New Standard News

Congress Looks to Offer Big Telecoms ‘Prize’
Media activists say Net access, local TV control at stake

by Megan Tady

New legislation that fails to enshrine principles of “network neutrality” also federalizes now-local control of TV providers and lets broadband companies leave underprivileged communities behind.

( categories: HR.5252 COPE | Senate S.2686 )

A letter from SaveAccess

Posted on June 21, 2006 - 9:04am.


Dear saveaccess supporter,

This is a very important week for action and we're asking you for three favors:

1) Send our letter to your senators to say "Fix S.2686 or vote NO!"
Go to

2) Send our letter to your Congressional Reps that voted for COPE and "Ask them WHY?"

( categories: HR.5252 COPE | Senate S.2686 )

Louisiana Passes Franchise-Reform Bill

Posted on June 21, 2006 - 9:03am.

from: MultiChannel News

Louisiana Passes Franchise-Reform Bill

By Linda Haugsted 6/20/2006 5:31:00 PM

A franchise-reform bill that will allow incumbent cable operators to immediately opt into state franchises has been approved by the Louisiana State Legislature.

The bill passed Monday, the last day of the state's legislative session. It must now be signed by Gov. Kathleen Blanco in order to become effective.

( categories: LOUISIANA | State Franchises )

Hillary, for Net Neutrality, Fires Up the Right

Posted on June 21, 2006 - 8:36am.

from: AEC Newsroom

Hillary, for Net Neutrality, Fires Up the Right

By Ted Hearn, STAFF

(Multichannel News) _ Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), the prohibitive favorite to capture the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, has agreed to support network-neutrality legislation introduced Friday in the Senate, triggering a strong response from a leading conservative group.

( categories: Senate S.2686 )
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