News Blog

OH: Telecom industry gives big bucks to politicians

Posted on June 6, 2007 - 5:53am.

from: The Western Star

Telecom industry gives big bucks to politicians

Lawmakers are being flooded with campaign donations as the industry pushes for cable deregulation.
Listen to this article or download audio file.Click-2-Listen

By Laura A. Bischoff

( categories: OHIO | State Franchises )

IL: Cable competition sought

Posted on June 6, 2007 - 5:52am.

from: Chicago Tribune

Cable competition sought
State bill would aid AT&T's rivalry bid

By Jon Van and Jeffrey Meitrodt
Tribune staff reporters
Published June 6, 2007

The state legislature is making a push to increase competition in the cable television market that will bring a side effect all TV watchers could appreciate: a promised cap in the number of hours spent waiting for the cable guy.

( categories: AT&T | ILLINOIS | State Franchises )

MA: Hundreds fill State House to oppose Verizon’s special interest bill

Posted on June 5, 2007 - 9:32pm.

from: Keep us Connected

For Immediate Release
Contact: Cort Boulanger
Cell: 339-222-2442

Hundreds fill State House to oppose Verizon’s special interest bill

Local officials, consumers, access groups call for rejection of “bad piece of legislation”

WI: In a fast-paced economy, lawmakers must pick up speed

Posted on June 5, 2007 - 9:29pm.

from: Wisconsin Technology Network

In a fast-paced economy, lawmakers must pick up speed

Tom Still • Published 06/05/07

Madison, Wis. - For reasons that may be as innocent as a choked calendar, legislative progress has stalled on a bill that would trade Wisconsin's city-by-city regulation of the cable television industry for statewide video franchises. The bill, which would create jobs, help many consumers and speed new technologies to the market, passed the Assembly by a wide margin earlier this spring. Since then, however, it has been gathering dust in the Senate.

( categories: State Franchises | WISCONSIN )

MA: Verizon bill stirs debate over competition, control in cable market

Posted on June 5, 2007 - 9:28pm.

from: MetroWest Daily

Verizon bill stirs debate over competition, control in cable market

By Priscilla Yeon & Gintautus Dumcius/State House News Service
State House News Service
Tue Jun 05, 2007, 05:30 PM EDT

A chief sponsor of a bill that would streamline cable franchising approval from a year to 15 days asked members of the Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy to deploy a task force to examine his proposal and find the best way to reform cable franchising laws in the state.

NY: For cheaper cable, aim your clicker at Albany

Posted on June 5, 2007 - 9:26pm.

from: NY Daily News

Bill Hammond
For cheaper cable, aim your clicker at Albany

Tuesday, June 5th 2007, 4:00 AM

Wouldn't you just love to tell the cable company to take a hike?

Wouldn't it be great - when Time Warner hikes your rates or when Cablevision goes out in the middle of a big game - to cancel your account and switch to another company?

( categories: NEW YORK | State Franchises | Verizon )

TX: Bundling Telecom Services May Not Always Save a Bundle

Posted on June 5, 2007 - 8:00am.

Note: More evidence of the 'triple ploy'.

from: Houston Chronicle

Bundling Telecom Services May Not Always Save a Bundle

June 5, 2007
By Vicki Lee Parker

Bundling is the buzzword in the telecom industry these days. Cable TV companies, phone companies and Internet providers want to sell us all sorts of services for one price. It’s a big price, but cheaper than paying for each separately, they tell us.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | TEXAS )

ACTION ALERT SB 117: Contact the Public Utilities Committee Today!

Posted on June 5, 2007 - 7:50am.

Dear Friends,

We have slightly more than a day to save the Public Interest when it comes to Substitute Bill SB 117.

YOU need to contact the members of the House Public Utilities Committee Today.
You can find a list here:

Let them know the following:

1) Substitute Bill SB 117 does not make cities whole and needs serious amending.

( categories: OHIO | State Franchises )

MA: Verizon seems to flip-flop

Posted on June 5, 2007 - 6:45am.

from: Boston Globe

Verizon seems to flip-flop
Firm seems to flip-flop on local video approvals
Firm tells investors need to get local OK's not hurting TV rollout

By Carolyn Y. Johnson, Globe Staff | June 5, 2007

OH: Ohio Senate Bill SB 117

Posted on June 4, 2007 - 5:14pm.

from: As Ohio Goes

Ohio Senate Bill SB 117

The Ohio House of Representatives’ public utilities committee will be holding another hearing on Senate Bill SB 117 on Wednesday, June 6,at

Ohio Senate Bill SB 117 threatens to undermine public, educational and government access television (PEG) throughout the state of Ohio. Established in the early years of cable television, public access provides the opportunity for average citizens to produce and broadcast their own TV shows, an extension of First Amendment free-speech rights. Cable access channels are a vital part of our democracy, allowing citizens to communicate directly with one another without mediation by the dominant corporate media. AT&T’s bill is threatening this essential part of our democracy.

( categories: OHIO | State Franchises )
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