News Blog

F.C.C. Set to End Sole Cable Deals for Apartments

Posted on October 29, 2007 - 1:47pm.

from: NY Times

October 29, 2007
F.C.C. Set to End Sole Cable Deals for Apartments

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 —The Federal Communications Commission, hoping to reduce the rising costs of cable television, is preparing to strike down thousands of contracts this week that gave individual cable companies exclusive rights to provide service to an apartment building, the agency’s chairman says.

( categories: Telcos | FCC | FCC Video Franchise )

PA: Statewide cable franchise law would meet high-tech potential

Posted on October 29, 2007 - 1:45pm.

from: Penn Live

More choices for viewers
Statewide cable franchise law would meet high-tech potential
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Verizon's opening of a regional video hub in Harrisburg paves the way for local consumers to have a choice of cable television providers. But only after franchise agreements have been negotiated with individual municipalities.

( categories: PENNSYLVANIA | State Franchises )

CT: Scrambled Signals

Posted on October 29, 2007 - 1:44pm.

from: Hartford Business

Scrambled Signals


It’s always enlightening to see who owns what. Jay Leno owns several dozen fancy cars. Rupert Murdoch is about to own the Wall Street Journal. And AT&T, it seems, owns Connecticut’s top elected officials.

AT&T wants to make a bundle of money on a service that delivers television via the Internet, all over AT&T’s existing copper phone lines. The service is called U-verse. It’s supposed to be a competitive product to existing cable television.

( categories: AT&T | CONNECTICUT | State Franchises )

CT: U-verse TV battle moves to state court

Posted on October 27, 2007 - 9:23am.

from: Republican American

U-verse TV battle moves to state court


HARTFORD — The fate of AT&T's U-verse television service now rests with a state superior court judge.

Judge Robert F. McWeeny conducted a hearing Friday before a packed house in Hartford Superior Court on a request from AT&T Inc. to overturn a ruling by state regulators that requires the company to seek a cable TV franchise license for U-verse.

( categories: AT&T | CONNECTICUT | State Franchises )

WI: AT$T loses bid for TV service

Posted on October 26, 2007 - 6:33pm.

from: Capital Times

AT&T loses bid for TV service

Jeff Richgels — 10/25/2007 10:10 am

AT&T has been handed another defeat in its efforts to offer its U-verse TV service in Connecticut without a cable franchise -- a situation with potential implications for other states, including Wisconsin.

A bill introduced in Wisconsin would provide for statewide cable franchising but has run into strong opposition. AT&T moved forward with U-verse in Milwaukee without a franchise, was sued for that move by the city, then made an interim agreement with the city pending outcome of the case or the franchising legislation.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | WISCONSIN )

TN: AT$T Wants a Dodge Despite Allowances for Franchising in Tennessee

Posted on October 26, 2007 - 6:30pm.

from: Tennessean

AT&T Wants a Dodge Despite Allowances for Franchising in Tennessee

October 26, 2007
By Stacey Briggs

Cities and counties across Tennessee, particularly Nashville, have rolled out the red carpet for AT&T, inviting the company to begin the application process for a local franchise to provide competitive television services in this market.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | TENNESSEE )

FCC Tricks the Public to Treat Big Media

Posted on October 26, 2007 - 8:04am.

From: Free Press

FCC Tricks the Public to Treat Big Media

Is FCC Chairman Kevin Martin trying to trick the people of Washington, D.C.?

Late last night, the chairman announced a "public" hearing at FCC headquarters on Oct. 31 on how consolidation impacts local media. He gave the public just a few days' notice, hoping they won't find out or show up.

Will you be there?

Halloween Hijinks at the FCC, Come to DC on October 31st

Posted on October 26, 2007 - 7:53am.

Note: The FCC is also expected to issue an order on video franchising for cable companies (giving them the same provisions the FCC gave the Telcos last year). This is a good day to come to Washington.

Halloween Hijinks at the FCC in DC: Tell Them No to Media Consolidation!

Greetings from the Prometheus Radio Project! Please read this note, and forward widely!

Do the letters F-C-C bring out the monster mogul andcorporate ghoul in you? Does FCC Chairman Kevin Martin have a sick sense of humor, or is he just plain scary?

TN: Franchise reform works in other states (according to AT$T)

Posted on October 26, 2007 - 7:50am.

Note: Tennessee faces another round of industry lobbying and propaganda.

from: The Tennessean

Franchise reform works in other states
Thursday, 10/25/07


I enjoy a good debate, and the Tennessee General Assembly has participated in a lively debate on the future of consumer access to advanced communication services in our state.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | TENNESSEE )

TN: Consumers have best chance with statewide video franchise

Posted on October 26, 2007 - 7:48am.

from: Tennessean

Consumers have best chance with statewide video franchise
Today's Topic: Sabers rattle over video rights
Thursday, 10/25/07

Our View

As long as Tennessee legislators focus on what's best for consumers, they will be on the right track if and when a renewed battle between AT&T and cable operators erupts next year.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | TENNESSEE )
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