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News BlogIL: Chicago mayor opposes video franchisingPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:46pm.
from: ArsTechnica Chicago mayor opposes video franchising in Illinois By Nate Anderson | Published: March 12, 2007 The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, an Illinois coalition of local leaders that includes Chicago's powerful Richard Daley, has come out in opposition to a new bill introduced to the Illinois General Assembly that would allow cable and telecommunications companies to bypass the local video franchising process. ( categories: ILLINOIS | State Franchises )
TN: Alcoa hangs up on AT$TPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:39pm.
from: The Daily Times Alcoa hangs up on AT&T: City officials oppose company's video franchise bill By Mark Boxley Had it been a movie, the audience would have seen a couple guys standing toe to toe Tuesday. And after a few minutes of sizing each other up, the shorter of the two would have taken off his glove and used it to smack the other square in the face. Dingell: FCC not a 'legislative body'Posted on March 14, 2007 - 10:28pm.
from: Seattle Post-Intelligencer Wednesday, March 14, 2007 Dingell: FCC not a 'legislative body' By JOHN DUNBAR WASHINGTON -- The chairman of a congressional panel that oversees the Federal Communications Commission accused the agency of overstepping its authority in approving an order meant to create more competition in cable television. ( categories: FCC Video Franchise )
FL: Phone companies' boost targeted by lawmakersPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:26pm.
from: Palm Beach Post Phone companies' boost targeted by lawmakers By Kristi E. Swartz Wednesday, March 14, 2007 TALLAHASSEE — Lawmakers are pushing Florida's telephone companies to forgo a scheduled increase in local phone rates as a way to sweeten a bill that would make it easier for them to get into the cable business. ( categories: FLORIDA | State Franchises )
Black Lawmakers Digitally Redline African-AmericansPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:23pm.
from: Black Agenda Report March 14, 2007 Black on Black Political Crime By BRUCE DIXON Last year big cable and bigger telephone companies deployed platoons of lobbyists and up to a hundred million dollars in an attempt to enact national cable franchise legislation. They greased its way through the House of Representatives, proving along the way that willful ignorance and lots of corporate cash could make two thirds of the Congressional Black Caucus vote for the digital broadband redlining of their own communities. The power play of big phone and the cable guys stalled in the US Senate, thanks to a national grassroots campaign campaign spearheaded by Free Press, a national not-for-profit media reform group. Martin to House: I’m Not Picking On Cable OperatorsPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:21pm.
from: MultiChannel News Martin to House: I’m Not Picking On Cable Operators Washington -- Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin on Wednesday denied to a House subcommittee that he has been “picking” on the cable industry since taking control of the agency two years ago. ( categories: FCC Video Franchise )
IL: Statewide Video Franchises vs. Universal ServicePosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:19pm.
from: Carlin's Comments Statewide Video Franchises vs. Universal Service: Grasping the Total Picture 3/14/2007 Carlini’s Comments,’s oldest column, runs every Wednesday. Its mission is to offer the common man’s view on business and technology issues while questioning the leadership and visions of “pseudo” experts. Martin: Cable Ire Comes With TerritoryPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:16pm.
from: Broadcasting & Cable Martin: Cable Ire Comes With Territory FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said Wednesday he didn't have it in for cable, arguing that industries commonly feel picked on when they disagree with FCC policies. ( categories: FCC Video Franchise )
FCC's Martin Gets His Wrist SlappedPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:14pm.
from: Broadband Reports FCC's Martin Gets His Wrist Slapped House Commerce Committee chairman John Dingell says the FCC has overstepped its authority with its recent telco friendly changes to the video franchise system. Opponents of the changes (that includes both cable execs and consumer advocates) say the changes are aimed primarily at legalizing telco cherry picking (deploying next-gen services only to affluent areas). The phone companies had no luck passing similar laws via Congress, so they turned to the FCC and state lawmakers. However, it's not legally clear if the FCC has the authority to make such changes without Congressional approval, so a legal battle is expected. ( categories: FCC Video Franchise )
Democrats watching FCCPosted on March 14, 2007 - 10:11pm.
from: Variety Democrats watching FCC By WILLIAM TRIPLETT WASHINGTON -- The first Democratically controlled House oversight hearing on the Federal Communications Commission pointedly put FCC chairman Kevin J. Martin and his fellow commissioners on notice that the new majority will be closely monitoring agency actions and expecting what it considers long overdue results on some matters. ( categories: FCC Video Franchise )
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