We have some report-backs and media from Wednesday's actions!
On Wednesday, May 24th, thousands of people in cities across the country will protest the Telephone Companies AT&T, Bell South and Verizon. We are outraged by the tactics of the major telephone companies (AT&T, Bell South, Verizon and Qwest) to pass National Video Franchising legislation in Congress. The Telcos are spending one million dollars a week to buy the votes of Congress people for their legislation (House Bill 5252 and Senate Bill 2686), and on advertising to influence public opinion, using ‘astroturf’ groups to distort the issues. The proposed legislation will curb local control over video franchises, negatively impact thousands of local Public, Educational and Governmental Access channels, allow red-lining in low-income and rural communities and jeopardize the openness of the internet by removing ‘net neutrality’ provisions designed to promote competition.
Since the telephone industry was “de-regulated” in 1984, the number of Bell operating companies have shrunk from seven to four (three if the AT&T-Bell South merger is allowed to continue). Thousands of jobs have been lost or out-sourced and the number of independent internet service providers has declined dramatically. The telcos giants are corrupting the Congressional process to cash in on a network that has been funded by ratepayers and federal government subsidies for more than seventy years. Now they want a sweetheart deal from Congress and will stop at nothing. It is not too late to speak out on behalf of the public interest, electronic “greenspace”, open networks, consumer protections and access for all.
Recent news also has exposed the privacy violation of millions of telephone users by AT&T and Verizon who willingly handed over call records to the National Security Agency without proper legal warrants. Only Qwest challenged the legality of the NSA request. AT&T has also been in the news about it’s collusion with the NSA to install computers to track the internet traffic on their Worldnet backbone. Now these same corporation want even more access to homes throughout the country with their fiber networks. We demand accountability and better protections!
More than 500,000 people have spoken on behalf of net neutraility. Internet users, community activists and independent media producers, consumer groups, churches and are speaking out. The National Day of Out(r)age is an opportunity for everyone to make their voice heard with political action.
Specifically, we object to:
1) Telco Driven Congressional legislation that: endangers PEG access centers and channels, threatens to red-line communities, and endangers an open internet by not protecting net neutrality (HR 5252 and S.2686). Stop these legislative bills in their current form – we need more protections!
2) Telco collusion with the NSA to illegally violate the privacy of tens of millions of Americans. We demand an investigation and enforcement of the law!
3) The Telco campaign of buying off statehouse and congress people around the country to push their legislation through. We need real campaign finance reform and political transparency!
4) The Telco policy of using ‘astroturf’ groups to push their deceptions on the public. Expose these campaigns for what they are – corporate propaganda!
5) The mergers and takeovers within in the Telco industry that has resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs. Stop the AT&T – Bell South merger until there is accountability and thorough anti-trust reviews!
Cities around the country are organizing – see the list at the right that have stepped up. If you don’t see your city and are planning something - send us an email. May 24th is only the start - plan something soon!
Flyers and Palm Cards | |
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Letter Size Flyer |
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Palm Cards 5.5 x 4.25 |
General Info Flyers and Palm Cards | |
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Letter Size Flyer |
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Palm Cards 5.5 x 4.25 |
Audio PSAs for Radio | |
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AT&T CEO Ed Whitacre PSA |
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Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg |
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Add this city information to the files above |
Video PSA | |
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Save Access Video PSA for M24 |
DATE: Wednesday, May 24, 2006
RALLY: 1:30 – 2:00 PM In front of the MA State House, Beacon Street, Boston
PRESS CONFERENCE: 2:00 – 3:30 PM The Grand Staircase at the MA State House, Boston
PLACE: Massachusetts State House, Beacon Street, Boston, MA
CONTACT: Colin Rhinesmith, 617-633-0501
URL: www.acmeboston.org (Action Coalition for Media Education, Boston Chapter)
On May 24, a statewide coalition in Massachusetts will join thousands across the country for a National Day of Out(r)age to protest the telephone companies’ lobbying efforts in Congress to rewrite the nation’s telecommunications laws, in the wake of recent press reports that reveal that these same companies provided information on tens of millions of American citizens to the U.S. government!
Two bills (House Bill 5252 and Senate Bill 2686) are being considered in Congress RIGHT NOW that would:
* Reduce local control of video franchising and our public rights of way!
* Open the doors for the telecommunications giants to discriminate against low-income communities!
* Undermine the ability for PEG access centers to receive adequate funding, channels, and facilities—negatively impacting thousands of access centers across the U.S.!
* Create a two-tiered Internet: (1) A fast lane for those who can afford to ride on it, and (2) a dirt road for everybody else. This action would threaten the openness of the web, bringing the Internet as we know to an end!
Join the May 24 National Day of Out(R)age - BOSTON Coalition!
Coalition members and supporters include: Joe Dalton (District Director, Office of Congressman Ed Markey), State Representative Gloria Fox, Boston City Councilors Jerry McDermott, Sam Yoon, and Chuck Turner, David Isenberg (Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School), Mel King, Communications Workers of America District 1, MASSPIRG, Alliance for Community Media, Community Change Inc., Boston Neighborhood Producer’s Group, Project: Think Different, Boston Chapter of the Action Coalition for Media Education, Public Access TV Centers in Worcester, Fall River, Lowell, Boston, and Cambridge, teachers and students from UMass Boston, Boston College, and Emerson College and local bloggers, podcasters, and videobloggers.
This event is part of a nationwide day of protests coordinated by SaveAccess.org, a national coalition of community media organizations and individuals.
Learn More and Take Action Today!
www.saveaccess.org & www.savetheinternet.com
create * educate * mobilize
Chicago Protest
What You Can Do! • Materials/Flyers/PSAs • Protest Home
we are posting these as we receive them - but please check the local links for updates
Join a Chicago Media Action Protest
The Event:"AT&T: Bringing Us To Tiers"
The Place:Outside the AT&T / SBC building, at the intersection of Congress Parkway and South Federal Street in downtown Chicago (just a block south of the Library / State and Van Buren CTA station, immediately west of the Harold Washington Library Center)
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 24, 4pm - 6pm
AT&T and other phone companies are presently working hard to establish a "tiered Internet", where websites and Internet-based video and audio would go much faster for persons and corporations able to pay higher fees, and much slower or not at all for everyone else.
If you think this is like the Internet we have already, think again. Right now, you have a substantial measure of control of what you see on the Internet and how fast it comes to you. But you would lose that control of speed and access to content under a tiered Internet.
One key to this forced separate-and-unequal Internet is to destroy the Internet's first amendment -- the guarantee of non-discrimination of content on the Internet, or what some call "network neutrality".
A 2005 Supreme Court decision opened the door to the destruction of network neutrality, and a fight in Congress is raging now between the phone companies (and their allies in Congress) and the growing number of Internet freedom advocates (across the political spectrum, from all walks of life) over the future of the Internet.
And that's not all. Related legislation under consideration RIGHT NOW in Congress also threatens to eliminate community access television and all local control over telephone and cable TV franchising, and would likely escalate discriminatory redlining by phone and cable corporations against low-income households and communities. Plus, the fight also encompasses a growing list of scandals involving corporate and government corruption, dangerous mergers, and complicity with illegal NSA domestic spying.
If you use the Internet in any way, or if you care about local control and democracy, this fight affects you.
Start affecting it back.
Chicago Media Action, along with organizers in Boston and New York City (and a number of other cities), are planning a National Day of Media Outrage. As part of this national day of action, CMA will stage a protest and outreach effort:
We encourage you to take part, and learn more (while you still can) at these websites:
You can address questions about the event to Chicago Media Action (email: cma@chicagomediaaction.org; call toll free: 1-866-260-7198). Again, we encourage you to attend and spread the word about this event and these issues, and contact your elected officials - particularly U.S. Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL).
After all, it's your Internet. And it's your media. For now.
We have some report-backs with media and articles from the May 24th actions. Check it out!
Below are reports from the Day of Out(R)age actions in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and New York. See the original protest pages here.
National Media
CNET (with photos)
Protestors Face Off with Verizon, AT&T
MultiChannel News
Verizon Can Hear Protesters Now
Wired News Online
AT&T Protest
Free Press Media Minutes
Audio Program
Out of the Box with Alex Ansary
video program
Boston Coverage
Coverage from ACME BOSTON
http://blip.tv/posts/?topic_name=dayofoutrage (Video)
Report from Andy Carvin
Media Policy Blog (Media Galore!)
Chicago Coverage
Reports from Chicago Media Action
http://www.chicagomediaaction.org/news.php?id=458(with photos)
San Francisco
Story from IndyBay
Chasing off AT&T at Giants Stadium Video
New York Coverage
Complete Audio of the New York Rally:
or http://blip.tv/file/35236
Photos of the New York Rally:
Article by NYC IMC
Location: Verizon World Headquarters
140 West Street at Vesey Street
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 24th 12:30-1:30 (arrive 12:15)
ACE-23 trains to Chambers St.
Organized by the saveaccess.org Coalition with Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), NYC Grassroots Media Coalition, Paper Tiger TV and more!.
Betty Yu (917) 734-7130
Lyell Davies (917) 701-9854
Hundreds of concerned citizens, politicians and representatives of community organizations are expected to protest against “deregulatory” phone company legislation—and the ‘million-dollar-a-week’ efforts by the telcos to pass this legislation in Washington.
The day’s activities are being coordinated by “Saveaccess”—citizens concerned about the damage the COPE bill (H.R. 5252) and Senate bill S.2686 would do to Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) TV in New York City and elsewhere. Protests nationwide are targeting Verizon, AT&T, and BellSouth.
The proposed legislation illustrates the growing rift between NYC and Washington on telecommunications policy. On May 10th the NYC City Council unanimously passed a city Resolution in opposition to this legislation.
The COPE bill has been widely criticized for proposing changes in existing telco franchising rules—including:
1) Allowing ‘video-service’ phone and cable companies to “redline” communities they see as unprofitable—thereby increasing the digital divide.
2) Dismantling current provisions for ‘Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) TV’.
3) Changing the Internet as we know it by removing ‘Network Neutrality’ requirements—allowing Internet companies to introduce ‘pay-as-you-go’ charges.
4) Ending local franchising and replacing it with a federal franchise—ending completely local accountability by the phone companies.
The planned day of “Out(R)age” is intended to highlight popular opposition to this legislation—and to counter the aggressive lobbying efforts of the telcos who are reportedly spending over a million dollars a week on lobbying efforts, advertising campaigns, and on the funding of ‘astroturf’ front groups which appear to show grassroots public support for COPE—but are actually telco front organizations.
In recent months over 500,000 people expressed their opposition to COPE by writing or calling elected representatives. May 24th will be the most visible expression of opposition to COPE yet organized.
The propose legislation has been called a phone company “give-away” at a time when many are criticizing the phone companies’ illegal disclosure to the NSA of private information about millions of Americans—and at a time when telco mergers threaten competition and consumer protections.
Around the country dozens of local governance bodies are opposed to this legislation—including the National League of Cities, the National Association of Counties, US Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA). Protests have been scheduled in New York, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco—details of additional cities still to be announced.
San Francisco participates in National Day of Out(R)age
Wednesday, May 24th, 2006
Two Community Actions hosted by Media Alliance
12 Noon at AT&T Park
Join media advocates & community activists out front of the SF Giants game for some activist style theatrical sports. Help make the point that consumers won't play ball with AT&T and other Telcos that play ball with the NSA.
4:00pm - 6:00pm at AT&T's main San Francisco headquarters 666 Folsom Street - between 2nd & 3rd
Join media advocates & community activists in front of the building where AT&T worked to deliver private information about consumers to the NSA. Dress up as a 21st century spy or online information secret agent to help make the point that your online privacy cannot be sold to the Telcos!!!
Read the overview below to get up to speed on key issues that are driving this national day of protest that will unfold in San Francisco, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago & New York. Learn more at http://www.saveaccess.org
& http://www.savetheinternet.com.
To participate in noon action, please email: jeffp123@gmail.com
Media Alliance
May 24th is only the beginning. Our aim is to generate public knowledge about the telco legislation and misdeeds. This will take time - but the legislation is moving fast in the House and also the Senate - so we can't delay.
So even if you can't organize a protest for the 24th - plan one in the near future - and let us know when and where (mail: protest@saveaccess.org). Send us your photos and video!
Even if it's not possible to organize in your local community - you can distribute informational flyers (hint - go to a Verizon/AT&T/Bell South/Qwest store). The more people learn about this the better! We still need many more letters to Congress - see 'take action' and send an email to Congress and your friends.
National Day of Out(R)age – BOSTON
DATE: Wednesday, May 24, 2006
RALLY: 1:30 – 2:00 PM In Front of the Massachusetts State House, Beacon Street, Boston
PRESS CONFERENCE: 2:00 – 3:30 PM The Grand Staircase, Massachusetts State House, Beacon Street, Boston
PLACE: Massachusetts State House, Beacon Street, Boston, MA
CONTACT: Colin Rhinesmith, 617-633-0501
URL: www.acmeboston.org (Action Coalition for Media Education, Boston Chapter)
On May 24, a statewide coalition in Massachusetts will join thousands across the country for a National Day of Out(r)age to protest the telephone companies’ lobbying efforts in Congress to rewrite the nation’s telecommunications laws, in the wake of recent press reports that reveal that these same companies provided information on tens of millions of American citizens to the U.S. government!
Two bills (House Bill 5252 and Senate Bill 2686) are being considered in Congress RIGHT NOW that would:
* Reduce local control of video franchising and our public rights of way!
* Open the doors for the telecommunications giants to discriminate against low-income communities!
* Undermine the ability for PEG access centers to receive adequate funding, channels, and facilities—negatively impacting thousands of access centers across the U.S.!
* Create a two-tiered Internet: (1) A fast lane for those who can afford to ride on it, and (2) a dirt road for everybody else. This action would threaten the openness of the web, bringing the Internet as we know to an end!
Join the May 24 National Day of Out(R)age - BOSTON Coalition!
Coalition members and supporters include: Joe Dalton (District Director, Office of Congressman Ed Markey), State Representative Gloria Fox, Boston City Councilors Jerry McDermott, Sam Yoon, and Chuck Turner, David Isenberg (Fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School), Mel King, Communications Workers of America District 1, MASSPIRG, Alliance for Community Media, Community Change Inc., Boston Neighborhood Producer’s Group, Project: Think Different, Boston Chapter of the Action Coalition for Media Education, Public Access TV Centers in Worcester, Fall River, Lowell, Boston, and Cambridge, teachers and students from UMass Boston, Boston College, and Emerson College and local bloggers, podcasters, and videobloggers.
This event is part of a nationwide day of protests coordinated by SaveAccess.org, a national coalition of community media organizations and individuals.
Learn More and Take Action Today!
www.saveaccess.org & www.savetheinternet.com
create * educate * mobilize
Mitchell Szczepanczyk | Save the internet:
http://www.szcz.org | http://www.savetheinternet.com
Contact: Chicago Media Action
P.O. Box 14140, Chicago, IL 60614 USA
1-866-260-7198 (voicemail)
1-773-641-2151 (cellphone)
May 18, 2006 -- Chicago activists will hold a protest action on Wednesday, May 24, at 4pm, against AT&T, entitled "AT&T: Bringing Us To Tiers". The Chicago action, one of a series of actions on a nationwide day of protest against major phone and cable companies, will take place at the AT&T offices at the intersection of Congress Parkway and South Federal Street,
immediately west of the Harold Washington Library Center in downtown Chicago.
At particular issue is the internet's first amendment -- the guarantee of non-discrimination of internet content, which some call "network neutrality". Related legislation under consideration in Congress would eliminate community access television and all local control of telephone and cable TV franchising. This would also likely escalate discriminatory redlining by phone and cable corporations against low-income households and communities. Locally, AT&T is suing six Chicago suburbs over public right of ways. These issues are also punctuated by a growing list of scandals involving corporate and government corruption, dangerous mergers, and complicity with illegal NSA domestic spying.
The demonstration and outreach, organized by the media reform group Chicago Media Action, will spotlight the phone giant's legislative and legal assaults on Chicagoans' rights and freedoms, including its attempt to severely compromise network neutrality.
AT&T and other phone companies are presently working to establish a "tiered internet", where websites and internet-based video and audio would download much faster for persons and corporations able to pay higher fees, and much slower or not at all for everyone else. This is unlike the internet we currently enjoy in that, right now, users have a substantial measure of control of what is viewed on the internet and its speed. But that consumer control of speed and access would likely fall prey to these companies. A diversity of smaller community groups would stand among the losers in this scheme.
The May 24 Chicago action is part of a "National Day of Media Outrage", with similar protest actions by grassroots organizations in other cities, including New York City, Boston, and San Francisco. To learn more, visit savetheinternet.com, saveaccess.org, and chicagomediaaction.org
MAY 22, 2006
3:31 PM
CONTACT: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
National Day of Out(R)age
NEW YORK - May 22 - SaveAccess.org, a national coalition of community media organizations and individuals, is coordinating a nationwide day of protests with actions taking place in New York City, Chicago, Boston, San Francisco on Wednesday, May 24th.
FAIR is helping to organize the New York City protest. Join us. Make your voice heard.
Wednesday, May 24th at the Verizon World Headquarters
140 West Street (at Vesey Street).
12:30-1:30pm (Pre-assemble at 12:15pm)
A/C/E/2/3 trains to Chambers St.
(Times and locations of other nationwide actions listed below)
We are protesting:
1) Telco-driven congressional legislation (HR 5252 and S.2686) that endangers public access centers and channels, threatens to red-line communities, and undermines an open internet by not protecting net neutrality.
We need to stop these bills in their current form -- we need more protections.
2) Telco collusion with the NSA to illegally violate the privacy of tens of millions of Americans.
We need to demand an investigation and enforcement of the law.
3) The Telco campaign to buyoff statehouse and congressional representatives around the country to push their legislation through.
We need real campaign finance reform and political transparency.
4) The Telco policy of using “astroturf” groups to push their deceptions on the public.
We need to expose these campaigns for what they are -- corporate propaganda.
5) The mergers and takeovers within in the Telco industry that have resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of jobs.
We need to stop the AT&T - BellSouth merger until there is accountability and thorough anti-trust reviews.
Other Day Of Out(r)age actions across the country include:
Rally: 1:30 – 2:00 pm In front of the Massachusetts State House, Beacon Street
Press Conference: 2:00 – 3:30 pm The Grand Staircase at the Massachusetts State House
URL: www.acmeboston.org (Action Coalition for Media Education, Boston Chapter)
The Event: "AT&T: Bringing Us To Tiers"
The Place: Outside the AT&T / SBC building, at the intersection of Congress Parkway and South Federal Street in downtown Chicago (just a block south of the Library / State and Van Buren CTA station, immediately west of the Harold Washington Library Center)
Date/Time: Wednesday, May 24, 4pm - 6pm
San Francisco
Two Community Actions hosted by Media Alliance
12 Noon at AT&T Park
Join media advocates & community activists out front of the SF Giants game for some activist style theatrical sports. Help make the point that consumers won't play ball with AT&T and other Telcos that play ball with the NSA.
4:00pm - 6:00pm at AT&T's main San Francisco headquarters 666 Folsom Street - between 2nd & 3rd
More info at: http://saveaccess.org/protest
Members of the SaveAccess.org Coalition include:
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), NYC Grassroots Media Coalition, Paper Tiger TV, Center for Digital Democracy, Free Press, Association for Community Networking, Action Coalition for Media Education, Chicago Media Action, Media Alliance, Media Tank, CCTV-Cambridge and the Center for Media & Democracy
Contacts: Lyell Davies (917) 701-9854
Michael Eisenmenger (646) 245-3491
National Day of Out(R)age Against the Phone Companies
On May 24th Major Cities Across the U.S. say --
“Hands off our Public Access, our Internet, and our Privacy”
New York—Wednesday, May 24th @ 12:30pm Verizon World Headquarters,
140 West Street (corner of Vesey Street)
On Wednesday May 24th concerned citizens, community advocates and media activists in cities across the United States will join together for a National Day of Out(R)age to protest the ‘million-dollar-a-week’ “deregulatory” efforts of the major telecommunications companies (AT&T, Verizon, Bell South and Qwest) to advance legislation in Congress that would rewrite U.S. telecommunications policy, negatively impacting millions of local communities, citizens, consumers and the city government.
Public events and demonstrations will be held throughout the day on May 24th in New York, Chicago, Boston and San Francisco to draw public attention to the phone companies multi-million dollar campaign to buy Congressional votes and public support for the “COPE Act” (HR 5252/ S 2686), legislation that seeks end local franchising by replacing it with national franchising. The phone/telecommunications companies are fast-tracking this legislation that would allow them to enter the video service market by eliminating local franchising, open access and public interest requirements.
If passed, the “COPE Act” will remove local authority of video franchises from cities and towns, allow the 'red-lining' of low income and rural communities, negatively impact local Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) Access channels, and jeopardize the openness of the internet by removing Net Neutrality provisions. The “COPE Act” (House Bill 5252) is slated for a vote by the House within the next week and Senate Bill version (S.2686) is scheduled for markup on June 20th.
The May 24th National Day of Out(R)age will also highlight the recent exposure of the privacy violation of millions of telephone users by AT&T, Bell South and Verizon who willingly handed over call records to the National Security Agency without proper legal warrants. “ AT&T and Verizon want to away with consumer protections and have even more access to homes throughout the country - and to your information – with their planned fiber networks for video and Internet services. This would provide far more capacity than the current copper wire connections - hence the slogan, 'your world delivered'” says Jeff Perlstein, of Media Alliance and organizer of the San Francisico protest.
The National Day of Out(R)age is organized by the Saveaccess.org, a national coalition of concerned citizens, media activists, community based organizations, members of Public Access media centers. Across the U.S., they are joined together to demand that the phone companies be accountable to local communities and to protect the future of telecommunications infrastructure to the public interest. Around the country dozens of local cities and towns are opposed to this legislation—including the National League of Cities, US Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA).
In New York, the organizations involved in Wednesday’s actions include: Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), NYC Grassroots Media Coalition, Paper Tiger TV, NABET-CWA Local 11, National Mobilization Against SweatShops, Picture the Homeless, Interreligious Foundation for Community Organizations, Community Voices Heard, and Chinese Staff & Workers Association.