GA: Telephone Giant Looks to Move in on Cable Service

Posted on November 28, 2006 - 7:26am.

From Morris News Service, November 26, 2006

Telephone Giant Looks to Move in on Cable Service

By Vicky Eckenrode

Competition could help lower bills and improve service for television owners across the state, said officials from BellSouth, which wants to launch its own video service in Georgia.

But before the telecommunications company takes on cable providers, it wants state lawmakers to overhaul how local contracts are handled on the local level.

( categories: AT&T | Bell South | GEORGIA | State Franchises )

TN: Statewide franchise would entice BellSouth into cable market

Posted on November 28, 2006 - 7:24am.

from: Nashville City Paper

Statewide franchise would entice BellSouth into cable market

By Blake Farmer, News Correspondent
November 27, 2006

As cable companies like Comcast Corp. enter the burgeoning broadband phone market, offering bundled services with cable television and high-speed Internet, Atlanta-based BellSouth Telecommunications is hunting for a slice of Tennessee’s video pie.

Michigan Residents Gather to Ground Lame Duck Attempt by AT$T

Posted on November 27, 2006 - 1:05pm.


Michigan Residents Gather to Ground Lame Duck Attempt by AT&T

Local members of the Coalition are gathering on Tuesday in Lansing to protest efforts by outgoing “lame duck” senators to push through a statewide “Video Franchising Bill” that doesn’t protect Internet freedom and Net Neutrality.

( categories: AT&T | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

Georgia: AT$T eager to take on cable providers

Posted on November 22, 2006 - 5:05pm.

from: Austin American Statesman

AT&T eager to take on cable providers
Cox News Service
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

ATLANTA — It's no secret that BellSouth — like the company that plans to buy it, AT&T — wants to go head-to-head in the TV business with cable providers such as Comcast.

( categories: AT&T | Bell South | GEORGIA | State Franchises )

Georgia: Video a vital battleground

Posted on November 22, 2006 - 4:55pm.


Video a vital battleground

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 11/22/06

It's no secret that BellSouth — like the company that plans to buy it, AT&T — wants to go head-to-head in the TV business with cable providers such as Comcast.

( categories: AT&T | Bell South | GEORGIA | State Franchises )

Creve Coeur deal puts AT$T's foot in Missouri TV door

Posted on November 18, 2006 - 7:24pm.


Creve Coeur deal puts AT&T's foot in Missouri TV door

By Jerri Stroud

AT&T's video franchise agreement with Creve Coeur puts the company in position to deliver a bundle of telephone, television and high-speed Internet services over its own network for the first time in Missouri.

( categories: AT&T | MISSOURI | State Franchises )

FCC Aims to Approve AT$T-BellSouth Merger

Posted on September 23, 2006 - 11:53am.

for more on this merger, see the Free Press page and send a letter through their campaign.

from: Broadband Reports

FCC Aims to Approve AT&T-BellSouth Merger
With absolutely no conditions...

( categories: Telcos | AT&T | Bell South )

Comcast Nets Join AT$T Lineup

Posted on September 15, 2006 - 7:24am.

Note: In Texas, AT&T is now reselling regular cable TV over regular cable. Why would such a 'technological advance' have required such massive state-wide telecommunications reform? Will At&T sell Comcast cable cheaper than Comcast? Is this the realization of 'consumer choice' and 'competition' touted by the phone companies to get their video franchise bills passed?

from: Multichannel News

( categories: Telcos | AT&T | Senate S.2686 | TEXAS )

Is AT$T’s Current Project Lightspeed Actually Project Slightspeed

Posted on September 5, 2006 - 7:45am.

Note: This is a somewhat technical discussion of AT&T's new data/video service and whether it will really be capable of providing adequate service into the future. An important consideration since Federal Communications Policy is being re-written to accomodate what may be an inferior technical implementation.


( categories: AT&T )

AT$T Mulling Fiber to the Home?

Posted on September 1, 2006 - 10:36am.

Note: AT&T has been running coax in most installs and has reportedly had software (Microsoft) difficulty with delivering some it's digital video.

from: DSL Reports

AT&T Mulling Fiber to the Home?
Another analyst predicts AT&T announcement

Posted on 2006-05-25 16:18:57 by Karl

After one analyst predicted AT&T would scrap their current "Project Lightspeed" plans (FTTN, VDSL2 to the home) for something that could deliver more bandwidth, AT&T insisted to us nothing had changed, and that pair bonding and compression would deliver an additional bandwidth boost if 25Mbps to each home was too snug a fit.

( categories: AT&T )
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