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News BlogMD: Cable War Fails to Offer Rate Relief in MontgomeryPosted on February 19, 2007 - 10:28am.
Note: In state after state this has been the same story. Telcos promise 'competition' and 'lower cable rates' in exchange for deregulatory legislation - yet prices continue to rise . . . from: Washington Post Cable War Fails to Offer Rate Relief in Montgomery TN: AT$T ventures into 'Net TVPosted on February 19, 2007 - 9:47am.
From: Ashland City Times Sunday, 02/18/07 By NAOMI SNYDER Jerry Talmadge was fed up with continual price increases for his cable service from Time Warner in San Antonio. GA: A Don Quixote takes on AT$TPosted on February 19, 2007 - 9:38am.
from: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution A Don Quixote takes on AT&T Sunday, February 18, 2007, 06:00 PM Georgia’s state Capitol produces Don Quixotes like Jerusalem churns out prophets. They tip their lances and spur their chargers. Sometimes the giant is a windmill, sometimes the giant is a true behemoth. Regardless, the result is a crash of hooves and an oil slick. MO: Phone companies seek cable market accessPosted on February 19, 2007 - 9:34am.
From: Columbia Tribune Phone companies seek cable market access By JASON ROSENBAUM of the Tribune’s staff JEFFERSON CITY - The Missouri Senate gave initial approval Thursday to a bill that would shift licensing of cable TV companies from the cities where they operate to the Missouri Public Service Commission. ( categories: MISSOURI | State Franchises )
MO: TV bill could expand options, lower costPosted on February 19, 2007 - 9:31am.
from: STL Today TV bill could expand options, lower cost JEFFERSON CITY • Cable television customers could have more options for service and save money under a measure that cleared its first legislative hurdle on Thursday. ( categories: MISSOURI | State Franchises )
MO: Bill could affect public access channelsPosted on February 16, 2007 - 2:26pm.
from: Examiner Bill could affect public access channels Area legislators updated their constituents on the goings on at Jefferson City at the Independence Chamber of Commerce's month legislative breakfast this morning. State Senator Victor Callahan was one of three legislators who attended. Callahan, D-Independence, talked about the Cable and AT&T Bill. ( categories: MISSOURI | State Franchises )
GA: The flip side of network TVPosted on February 16, 2007 - 2:20pm.
from: Atlanta Journal-Constitution The flip side of network TV By SCOTT LEITH People TV is, like most public access stations, a good bit out of the ordinary. ( categories: GEORGIA | State Franchises )
Bad Math at the FCCPosted on February 16, 2007 - 8:57am.
Teletruth News Alert: February 15th, 2007 Click to see Cartoon: Bad Math at the FCC: Why Is this Guy Smiling? The FCC is about to testify in front of the House Commerce Committee with one of the questions being: "What steps, if any, can the Commission take to enhance the depth and accuracy of its collection of data and analysis of affected industries?" AT$T U-verse Doomed?Posted on February 16, 2007 - 8:33am.
AT&T U-verse Doomed? February 13, 2007 Many have heard of the difficulties in implementing AT&T’s U-verse IPTV service. AT&T’s U-verse network is actually a fiber/copper hybrid, which pulls fibers to 3,000 to 5,000 feet from the homes they serve, where it then connects to mini-DSLAMs called "52B" boxes and then it runs copper the last mile to the home. This hybrid approach is a bargain when compared to the $20 billion Verizon is spending to build-out fiber all the way to the home. This hybrid fiber/copper approach gives AT&T a 20Mbps+ link to customers, enough to offer high-speed Internet, VoIP, and the company’s IPTV service. The problem is getting towns to grant public right of ways for these massive 52B boxes, which hold DSLAMS, batteries, and cooling gear in rugged, weatherproof cases. Many towns objected or wanted AT&T to sign video franchise agreements. Lawsuits were filed, including cable companies that want to classify U-verse service as a "cable service" to force AT&T to abide by the same build-out rules, which has drastically affected U-verse deployment . In addition, the IPTV service uses proprietary set-top boxes from Microsoft, which had their own share of problems - mostly software related. ( categories: AT&T )
WA: Qwest Backs State Franchise BillPosted on February 16, 2007 - 7:57am.
from: MultiChannel News Qwest Backs State Franchise Bill By Linda Haugsted 2/14/2007 6:16:00 PM Just days after a Qwest Communications-backed bill failed to escape committee in Colorado, a similar bill to reform cable franchising surfaced in Washington state, also backed by the telco. ( categories: State Franchises | WASHINGTON )
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