News Blog

House Reschedules FCC Oversight Hearing

Posted on February 27, 2007 - 8:59am.

Be sure to send you letters to House members tellingthem to Stop the FCC!

from: Broadcasting and Cable

House Reschedules FCC Oversight Hearing
By John Eggerton -- Broadcasting & Cable, 2/26/2007

The House Energy & Commerce Committee's Telecommunications Subcommittee has rescheduled its canceled Feb. 15 FCC oversight hearing for March 14, according to an FCC source.

( categories: FCC Video Franchise )

AT$T's TV alternative, company says it's ramping up its U-verse service

Posted on February 26, 2007 - 5:40pm.

from: SF Gate

AT&T's TV alternative
After some delays, company says it's ramping up its U-verse service

Ryan Kim, Chronicle Staff Writer

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's been two months since AT&T last announced new markets for its cablelike television service called U-verse.

( categories: AT&T )

AZ: Customers, Legislature, Cox put city on the ropes

Posted on February 26, 2007 - 7:48am.

Note: Arizona passed a form of statewide video franchise last year. Now Tucson is in a struggle with COX, the local cable provider which is playing hard ball in negotiations and is now attempting to push through more legislation, HB 2069, that would force cities to accept the state franchise from cable companies. We can expect to see these battles arise around the country as more statewide franchises are forced upon cities.

( categories: ARIZONA | State Franchises )

TN: Media giants go toe-to-toe

Posted on February 25, 2007 - 7:50pm.

from: The Daily New Journal

Leonhirth: Media giants go toe-to-toe

A goal of media companies for the past few years has been "one world, one wire," of the provision of all media services through one wire. With the convergence of television, telephone and Internet access, the only question that appears to remain is: "Which wire?"

( categories: State Franchises | TENNESSEE )

GA: Video franchise legislation needs to be put into law

Posted on February 25, 2007 - 7:46pm.

from: Online Athens

Video franchise legislation needs to be put into law
February 24, 2007

A bill now in the state House of Representatives could, at long last, put cable television customers whose local franchisee has subjected them to poor customer service and rising prices into a competitive marketplace.

( categories: GEORGIA | State Franchises )

AT$T: How You are Delivered to U-verse

Posted on February 25, 2007 - 4:24pm.

AT&T: 'How You are Delivered to U-verse' informational brochure.

We've received this 'corrected version' of one of AT&T's explanatory brochures on how their new U-verse system really works. It all makes sense now . . .

Download PDF


( categories: AT&T )

Connecticut Legislature to Ponder Cable Bills

Posted on February 25, 2007 - 10:03am.

from: MultiChannel News

Connecticut Legislature to Ponder Cable Bills

The Connecticut General Assembly’s Energy & Technology Committee postponed a hearing on two bills related to cable television service and signal quality, but legislators promise the issues will be addressed.

( categories: CONNECTICUT )

CT: Digital Deprivation in a Land of Affluence

Posted on February 25, 2007 - 9:52am.

from: NY Times

February 25, 2007
Digital Deprivation in a Land of Affluence

Sharon, Conn.

MANY Americans take high-speed Internet service for granted. But in Connecticut, the state with the highest per-capita income in the country, there are still pockets of people without broadband, perhaps the keystone utility of the digital age.

( categories: AT&T | Comcast | CONNECTICUT )

IL: Lawmakers: Bill would spur TV provider competition

Posted on February 23, 2007 - 11:09pm.

from: Chicago Business

Lawmakers: Bill would spur TV provider competition

Feb. 23, 2007
By Brandon Glenn

(Crain’s) — Two state legislators have proposed changes to laws that they say would spur competition among pay-television service providers.

AT&T Inc. has pushed hard for the changes as it seeks to roll out its new television service in the state, but current providers object to the proposal, saying it would enable new providers to offer service only to wealthy customers, giving them an unfair advantage.

( categories: AT&T | ILLINOIS | State Franchises )

IL: AT$T seeks state law to offer TV

Posted on February 23, 2007 - 12:53pm.


AT&T seeks state law to offer TV
By Kurt Erickson

SPRINGFIELD — A battle for control of your television remote control is brewing in the State Capitol.

In an announcement Thursday, telephone giant AT&T rolled out its plan to change state law so it can begin offering television service to Illinoisans over their phone and Internet wires.

( categories: AT&T | ILLINOIS | State Franchises )
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