News Blog

TN: Competitive cable bill drawing some fire

Posted on March 25, 2007 - 7:37pm.

Message: Earth to Sen. Bill Ketron - you are dreaming and living inside an AT&T advertisement - please wake up!

from: The Murfreesboro Post

Competitive cable bill drawing some fire
By ERIN EDGEMON Business Editor

Legislation drafted to create competition in the cable industry won't hurt municipalities; it will lower customers’ monthly bill, said the bill's co-sponsor.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | TENNESSEE )

IA: Qwest views TV future in Iowa

Posted on March 25, 2007 - 7:35pm.

from: Sioux City Journal

Qwest views TV future in Iowa
By Dave Dreeszen Journal business editor

Legislation that cleared the Iowa Senate last week could pull the plug on Sioux City's cable television monopoly in Sioux City.

The bill would establish statewide cable franchises, making it easier for Qwest Communications and other local phone companies to also offer video services in markets like Sioux City, where Cable One is now the sole cable provider.

( categories: IOWA | Qwest | State Franchises )

NY: Powers jostle over Verizon TV service

Posted on March 25, 2007 - 7:33pm.

from: The Buffalo News

Powers jostle over Verizon TV service
David Robinson
Updated: 03/25/07 8:25 AM

Last spring, Verizon started laying the fiber-optic cables to homes in Hamburg, Orchard Park and West Seneca that not only can carry faster Internet traffic but also cable television.

( categories: NEW YORK | State Franchises | Verizon )

New York, Florida Deliberate on State Franchises

Posted on March 25, 2007 - 4:47pm.

Note: In NY State both Verizon and the cable companies are against the current legislation which calls for strong build-out requirements, progressive PEG provisions, a level of local control and net neutrality protections. A fourth NY state bill sets a 30 day shot clock and preserves local control, also not favored by Verizon. By the contrast - the Florida Bill is terrible.

From: CED Magazine

( categories: Telcos | AT&T | FLORIDA | Verizon )

CO: Qwest Holds Off on State Cable

Posted on March 25, 2007 - 4:44pm.

From: The Gazette

Note: Qwest pins it's hopes on the FCC video franchise ruling

Qwest Holds Off on State Cable

March 22, 2007
By Wayne Heilman

Qwest Communications International Inc. has halted any further talks in Colorado about cable television franchises until new federal rules are enacted.

OH: Bill 117 would have drastic effects on cable competition, public access

Posted on March 25, 2007 - 1:25am.

from: Dayton Daily News

Bill 117 would have drastic effects on cable competition, public access

By Jim DeBrosse

Staff Writer

Sunday, March 25, 2007

COLUMBUS — Consumer groups call it "cherry-picking" or "redlining" — allowing cable and phone companies to target affluent, densely populated areas for the latest in computer and video services while ignoring minorities, the poor and rural areas.

( categories: AT&T | OHIO | State Franchises )

OH: AT$T advocating statewide permits for utility growth

Posted on March 25, 2007 - 1:22am.

from: Dayton Daily News

AT&T advocating statewide permits for utility growth
Backers say bill will lower cable costs, but consumer groups say it benefits suburbs and ignores urban poor and rural areas.

By Jim DeBrosse
Staff Writer

( categories: AT&T | OHIO | State Franchises )

FCC Order Wades Into Net Neutrality Controversy

Posted on March 24, 2007 - 11:18am.

from: CongressDaily

FCC Order Wades Into Net Neutrality Controversy

By David Hatch

(Thursday, March 22) The FCC waded directly into the controversy over so-called network neutrality, opening a new front in the battle over whether the federal government should regulate communications giants that dominate the high-speed Internet business.

( categories: FCC )

WI: Video bill on fast track

Posted on March 24, 2007 - 11:00am.

from: Wisconsin State Journal

Video bill on fast track

MARK PITSCH 608-252-6145

Wisconsin residents would lose their rights to cable television repairs within 72 hours, credit for service interruptions and advance notice of rate increases, under a bill on the fast track in the state Legislature.

( categories: State Franchises | WISCONSIN )

Combating State Video Franchising Reform: A Few Ideas

Posted on March 24, 2007 - 10:44am.

from: Kreucher Law Firm PLC

Combating State Video Franchising Reform: A Few Ideas

AT&T continues to press its vision of bringing Saturn’s “no haggle” policy to video franchising. There’s no need here to get into why video franchising reform is unnecessary and contrary to customers’ interests — that topic has been covered extensively in other places (get a copy of the International City/County Management Association’s white paper, “Forced Franchising: Why the Telephone Industry’s Calls for ‘Shall Issue’ Video Franchising Shouldn’t be Answered”). There is, however, some need to discuss how to deal with state legislation once AT&T makes its move.

( categories: Telcos | State Franchises )
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