News Blog

IA: Qwest Sells Iowa On 'Franchise Reform'

Posted on April 2, 2007 - 10:11am.

from: Broadband Reports

Qwest Sells Iowa On 'Franchise Reform'
Even though they have yet to solidify TV plan
Posted 2007-03-30 14:14:09 by Karl

Like Verizon and AT&T, Qwest has been lobbying state lawmakers hard to try to convince them that if they eliminate the local video franchise system, the public will see lower TV prices and broader deployment.

( categories: IOWA | Qwest | State Franchises )

TN: Consumer and Public Interest Groups Oppose Video Franchise Bill

Posted on April 2, 2007 - 10:07am.

From Free Press, Consumers Union, U.S. PIRG, Consumer Federation of America, March 30, 2007

Consumer and Public Interest Groups Oppose Tennessee Video Franchise Bill

Good public policy guides the market to maximize competitive deployment across the board in video and broadband. It also protects an open, thriving and nondiscriminatory marketplace for Internet content and applications.

( categories: State Franchises | TENNESSEE )

MO: Gov. Blunt signs state video franchise bill

Posted on April 2, 2007 - 10:05am.

from: Springfield Business Journal

Gov. Blunt signs state video franchise bill
Springfield officials say bill will reduce city's franchise fee revenues by up to 20 percent

By Jeremy Elwood
Springfield Business Journal Staff

The state of Missouri has weighed in on competition among cable providers.

( categories: AT&T | MISSOURI | State Franchises )

IL: AT$T Lobbies House to Remove Local Control

Posted on March 31, 2007 - 9:50am.

Note: For over a year, Geneva, a small Illinois town of 19,000, has been fighting a pitched battle against the 240 billion dollar AT&T.

AT&T Lobbies Illinois House to Remove Local Control.


( categories: AT&T | ILLINOIS | State Franchises )

IL: Don't Let AT$T Break the Connections That Hold Us Together!

Posted on March 30, 2007 - 1:40pm.

from: CANTV

Don't Let AT&T Break the Connections That Hold Us Together!

Illinois House Bill 1500, backed by AT&T, is harmful to the people of Illinois and threatens public access stations like CAN TV.

Go to to learn more and find out how you can help.

click here to watch
the March 22 press conference with opponents to HB1500.

LISTEN to the Illinois House Telecommunications
Committee hearings on HB 1500:

click here for March 8 hearing with AT&T representatives

click here for CAN TV Executive Director Barbara Popovic's testimony at the March 15 hearing.

click here for March 15 hearing with Verizon, followed by PEG Access

click here for materials City of Naperville used in its presentation for the hearing on March 22

( categories: ILLINOIS | State Franchises )

WI: Video Franchise Vote May Be Month Away

Posted on March 30, 2007 - 9:48am.

From: Wheeler News Service

Wisconsin Video Franchise Vote May Be Month Away

March 28, 2007

A bill to let phone companies offer cable-type TV and do away with locally-negotiated service and rate contracts will come up for a state Assembly vote in about a month. That’s what Speaker Mike Huebsch said after a nine-hour public hearing Tuesday.

( categories: State Franchises | WISCONSIN )

IL: Press Conference To Oppose HB1500

Posted on March 30, 2007 - 9:40am.

On Thursday, March 22, the Keep Us Connected Coalition hosted this press conference to oppose Illinois House Bill 1500.

This AT&T-backed legislation abandons many public interest benefits and consumer protections which come through existing video franchising laws.

It also threatens Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) access stations.

( categories: ILLINOIS | State Franchises )

IA: Help the Public Fight for Community TV

Posted on March 30, 2007 - 9:33am.

frm: Blog for Iowa

Help Fight Public Help for Cable TV Companies

By Mike Brau

As you may have read, the Iowa Senate recently passed SF 544 which would change how communities franchise cable TV providers. Under the proposed law new entrants, specifically Qwest, would be given an opportunity to by-pass the municipal franchising process and receive a franchise from the state under preferential terms. Many of the community benefits negotiated by municipalities on behalf of their citizens would likely be lost as the bill contains a provision that if a competitor gives notice they intend to seek a state franchise that the incumbent cable operator can cancel their existing franchise and receive a state-issued franchise. The House Commerce Committee will likely be taking up the bill the week of April 1. Now is the time to contact Commerce Committee members.

( categories: IOWA | State Franchises )

Youth journalists talk about public access TV

Posted on March 30, 2007 - 9:29am.

from: Scripps News

Youth journalists talk about public access TV

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The FCC recently announced its recommendations on video franchising, allowing more companies into the cable television market. Its stated goal is to create more competition among companies, and savings per customer. But some people worry that the change could cause public access stations to lose the funding.

IA: Senate bill would ease burden on companies entering TV market

Posted on March 30, 2007 - 9:27am.

from: West Branch Times

Senate bill would ease burden on companies entering TV market

by Rob Poggenklass, March 28, 2007

A bill passed by the Iowa Senate last week would make it easier for cable TV service providers to enter new markets, by eliminating the companies’ need to negotiate franchise agreements with individual municipalities.

( categories: IOWA | State Franchises )
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