News Blog

MO: State Franchise Leaves Access Center in Funding Limbo

Posted on July 11, 2007 - 7:02am.

from: Columbian Missourian

Columbia Access Television needs funds to stay on air


July 11, 2007 | 12:00 a.m. CST

Columbia Access Television was launched in October 2004. But without a change in city policy, it will be off the air by the end of the year.

( categories: MISSOURI | State Franchises )

NJ: City Finds Promise of Cable Competition Lacking

Posted on July 11, 2007 - 7:00am.


Vineland denies Comcast
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

VINELAND -- City council voted to deny Comcast's application to renew their 15-year contract with the city during its regular meeting Tuesday night.

Comcast of South Jersey LLC, Vineland's only cable provider, has had a 15-year contract with Vineland giving the company franchise in the city.

FL: Deals may shut out AT$T for years in South Florida cities

Posted on July 11, 2007 - 6:56am.

from: Sun-Sentinel

Cable franchise deals may shut out AT&T for years in South Florida cities

South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Posted July 11 2007

AT&T's upcoming cable TV service in South Florida could mean more competition in the industry and lower rates for many consumers. But some might not get a chance to see it any time soon.

( categories: AT&T | FLORIDA | State Franchises )

FL: Six plan to enter cable fray

Posted on July 11, 2007 - 6:53am.

from: Palm Beach Post

Six plan to enter cable fray


Palm Beach Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cable television choice is coming to a South Florida town near you.

Telecom giant AT&T said Tuesday it would announce at the end of the year where it would start offering its video services, marketed under the name U Verse. Meanwhile, Wynnewood, Pa.-based Hotwire Communications LLC also has received state approval to offer cable services in Palm Beach County as well as parts of Broward and Miami-Dade counties. It already is doing so in some neighborhoods.

( categories: FLORIDA | State Franchises )

700 MHz Endgame Part I: Martin Tries To Redefine Open Access; With A PR Offensive

Posted on July 10, 2007 - 3:12pm.

from: Wet machine

700 MHz Endgame Part I: Martin Tries To Redefine “Open Access” With A PR Offensive
Harold Feld

Martin has opened the endgame on the 700 MHz auction rules with some strategic press leaks to frame the debate and the circulation of his draft Order. According to USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, Martin's draft proposes including a network attachment/wireless Cartefone rule on two blocks (the “C” and “D” blocks). At the same time, Martin is redefining “open access” to mean network attachment/wireless Cartefone (the issue popularized by Tim Wu with the help of the iPhone) rather than the wholesale obligation pushed by Frontline and the Public Interest Spectrum Coalition (PISC).

( categories: FCC )

Verizon's Copper Cutoff Traps Customers

Posted on July 10, 2007 - 10:57am.

from: Forbes

Verizon's Copper Cutoff Traps Customers
By DEBORAH YAO 07.08.07, 1:53 PM ET

When Henry Powderly II ordered Verizon Communications Inc.'s FiOS fiber-optic service, he knew he was about to be connected to the future of telecommunications.

He also got unplugged from its past. Which meant that while Powderly was gaining features, he was losing some telecommunications options.

( categories: Verizon )

CWA Holds the Key to Net Neutrality but Won't Open the Door

Posted on July 10, 2007 - 10:13am.

from: Huffington Post

Union Busting: CWA Holds the Key to Net Neutrality but Won't Open the Door

Art Brodsky
Posted July 9, 2007 | 01:21 PM (EST)

The recent Take Back America in Washington conference hosted about 3,000 progressive and liberal activists. It was for the most part an excellent conference, with presidential candidates featured as prominent speakers and panels filled with experts discussing subjects ranging from global warming to election reform.

( categories: )

Cutting the Copper Means Less Competition for Verizon

Posted on July 10, 2007 - 10:11am.

from: Hear Us Now

Cutting the Copper Means Less Competition for Verizon, Fewer Choices for Consumers

From, July 9, 2007
By Bob Williams

Verizon is yanking out its old copper wiring when it installs its new FiOS fiber optic lines in the homes and businesses of its customers, according to an article by the Associated Press.

( categories: Verizon )

IN: Deregulated AT$T rolls in Hoosier land

Posted on July 10, 2007 - 10:09am.


Deregulated AT&T rolls in Hoosier land
Tuesday, July 10, 2007 12:14 AM CDT


AT&T Indiana President George Fleetwood is touting the benefits of last year's sweeping telecom deregulation, saying it has resulted in more than 1,000 new jobs in Indiana and a $250 million investment in new technology.

( categories: AT&T | INDIANA | State Franchises )

WI: Unreliable info on cable reform

Posted on July 9, 2007 - 6:06pm.

Note: TV4US is up to their usual tricks, now in Wisconsin. Such dishonest campaigning on behalf of corporations (AT&T or anyone for that matter) should be made illegal. Unfortunately, a Bill doing as such was voted down by Republicans in Congress earlier this session.

from: The Capital Times

Unreliable info on cable reform

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