News Blog

Google Announces Intent to Bid on 700MHz Spectrum Auction

Posted on July 24, 2007 - 5:52am.

from: Ars Technica

Google Announces Intent to Bid on 700MHz Spectrum Auction

From ars technica, July 20, 2007
By Eric Bangeman

In a letter sent to the Federal Communications Commission today, Google CEO Eric Schmidt announced his company’s intentions to enter the bidding for the 700MHz spectrum early next year—if Google’s proposed auction rules are adopted. Earlier this month, a draft of Martin’s proposed auction rules were released, rules which embraced some principles of open access, but left proponents of the principle wanting more.

( categories: FCC )

NC: Municipal Broadband Attacked in North Carolina

Posted on July 24, 2007 - 5:50am.

from: Andrew Jackson Democrats

Municipal Broadband Attacked in North Carolina
Posted by CarolinaDem at 7/19/2007 12:40 PM and is filed under North Carolina Politics

With the US lagging behind most of the developed world with less Internet access and slower speed connections, it's somewhat outrageous that any state government would block communities from extending broadband access to their citizens-- but North Carolina is now debating HB 1587, which is being promoted by the North Carolina Cable Telecommunications Association to stop local communities from owning and subsidizing access to community-run telecommunications systems.

700 MHz Endgame: Martin Antes. AT$T Raises. Google Calls. Does AT&T Fold or Call?

Posted on July 24, 2007 - 5:48am.

from: Wet Machine

700 MHz Endgame: Martin Antes. AT&T Raises. Google Calls. Does AT&T Fold or Call?

So yesterday, AT&T was extolling the virtues of the Martin plan. Among its virtues, Jim Ciconni included:

( categories: AT&T | FCC )

Coalition Blasts FCC for Unlawful, Arbitrary and Capricious Ruling on Video Franchising

Posted on July 18, 2007 - 7:18pm.

from: Broadcast Newsroom

Coalition Blasts FCC for Unlawful, Arbitrary and Capricious Ruling on Video Franchising

By PR Newswire

WASHINGTON, July 18 /PRNewswire-USNewswire

In a Brief filed today, a coalition of local government and non-profit groups asks the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to overturn the video franchising Order issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in March 2007. The groups argue that the FCC had no statutory authority, acted in an arbitrary and capricious manner, and violated public notice requirements when it issued its Order.

( categories: FCC Video Franchise )

MI: AT$T may be close to utility box agreement

Posted on July 18, 2007 - 7:17pm.

from: Spinal Column

Commerce, AT&T may be close to utility box agreement

Kirk Pinho

July 18, 2007 - A proposed ordinance in Commerce Township which has sparked concern among AT&T officials and some township residents appears to be nearing finalization, as legal counsel for both the township and the telecommunications company continue to iron out their differences over the ordinance provisions.

( categories: AT&T | MICHIGAN | State Franchises )

WI: Mayor: Beware of big metal boxes

Posted on July 18, 2007 - 8:29am.

from: Wisconsin State Journal

Mayor: Beware of big metal boxes

July 16, 2007

On a grassy terrace on West Lawn Avenue Monday was a vision of the future Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz and state Rep. Spencer Black, D-Madison, hope to avoid.

The metallic gray refrigerator-size box at Monday's news conference was a replica of the 60-by-42-by-20-inch metal boxes AT&T would install to bring its video services to the area.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises | WISCONSIN )

CA: AT$T Raises Rates on Local Phone Services

Posted on July 17, 2007 - 10:02pm.

AT&T also raised local phone rates in Texas soon after that state franchise passed (as a result of the deregulation). These increases are intended to lure subscribers into "triple ploy" agreements, undermining the propaganda of both "consumer choice" and "lower prices". Statewide video franchises are turning out to be one of the largest public/private sponsored consumer frauds in history - hopefully people will wake up and bring their legislators to account.

( categories: AT&T | State Franchises )

AT$T Criticizes FCC's 'Open Access' Auction Proposal

Posted on July 17, 2007 - 10:00pm.

from: CNN Money

AT&T Criticizes FCC's 'Open Access' Auction Proposal

Dow Jones
July 16, 2007: 04:55 PM EST

(Updates with background and comments from the CTIA and a consultant.)

By Roger Cheng


( categories: FCC )

700 MHz Endgame: Has AT$T Asked Bush to Put Thumb On Scale?

Posted on July 16, 2007 - 8:06pm.

Harold has been on a roll lately and on target as usual - it's worth following his site regularly. It seems that once again the telcos are considered integral parts of the military industrial complex and as such have privileged military contractor status. With Bush involved, the 700 MhZ auction could become yet another rigged state secret.If the telcos seize this spectrum, they will cinch their roll-out efforts for triple/quadruple play that will leave cable, PEG and the cities in much the same situation as so many Iraqi towns.

from: Wet Machine
by Harold Feld

700 MHz Endgame: Has AT&T Asked Bush to Put Thumb On Scale?

Unsurprisingly, in the swirl of folks around this week's House Commerce “iPhone” Hearing, rumors and gossip about the 700 MHz Endgame abounded. In the nasty-but-sadly-believable category comes a rumor that the Bells have asked (through a wholly owned subsidiary in the House) for the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to do a “study” on whether any open access condition (of any definition) or other incumbent restriction (such as the spectrum caps urged by the Public Interest Spectrum Coalition) will depress auction revenue.

MI: Congratulations, AT$T?

Posted on July 16, 2007 - 8:03pm.

from: Blogging Broadband

Congratulations, AT&T?

It has been a little more than six months since Michigan’s state legislators passed 2006 PA 480, the “Uniform Video Services Local Franchising Act.” The purpose of the new law was to streamline the video franchising process so more competition in cable services could develop. Traditionally, a video provider would have to negotiate with a local government for a franchise which would authorize the company to provide video service to the community’s residents. AT&T and other large phone companies claimed that negotiations with each local government were too time consuming and would hamper the rollout of competitive services. So Michigan’s state legislators gave AT&T what it was after: A process that allows the company to walk into any city hall and get a video franchise within 30 days, without any negotiation.

( categories: MICHIGAN | State Franchises )
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